Feed. Now I know why it's called that. Cut and arranged (arbitrarily?) into bite-size pieces, my friends' updates are fed to me on Facebook, as though I'm an infant or geriatric, incapable of working the spoon myself. I have over 100 friends on Facebook, but I see updates from the same handful of people. Some of these people are virtually strangers to me, (some of them ARE strangers!) while close friends and relatives, who I actually love and would like to stay in touch with, are left in the cold dark of the refrigerator. At first, I thought the reason I didn't see updates from Jo, for example, was because she wasn't active. Then, for some random reason (maybe a birthday), I looked at her profile page, and there it all was - morsels of information, like a buffet that had been hidden from me. I went through more of my friends profile pages, and it was the same story. It makes no sense. I know that a certain Facebook friend of mine has recently been on a ...