I've gathered together a few items to purge, but I realised, as soon as I started thinking about what to get rid of, this game is going to be a huge challenge. Not only will finding [30(30+1)/2] items be difficult, but also deciding how to get rid of them. Today's item is a bag of used, plastic carrier bags. I try, as much as possible to use reusable bags when I go shopping, but there are days when the groceries just don't all fit into the bags I have with me and I need to buy a plastic one. These accumulate in the cupboard under the sink. So now, I have this big bag of plastic carriers. What do I do with them? I can't, in good conscience, just throw them away, knowing that they'll go in some landfill and never biodegrade or go to the incinerator and add further to the toxic fumes. Is that really what I have to do? Apparently, yes. If I'm going to play this game properly, it seems I need to suspend my environmentalist conscience for 30 days. There...