Handbag Epiphany
I've been doing this all wrong! I've been looking for a handbag which will satisfy all of my handbag requirements. One I can use every day, never have to swap out for a smaller, bigger, shinier, more casual bag.
The fact is, handbags are like shoes. It's necessary to have more than one pair of shoes. Necessary, I say!
The plan now is to have a system (something I lack in the shoe department). I will organise the contents of my handbag, have a box or a shelf where I'll store my purse, keys, glasses case, etc. Then, when I'm going somewhere, I will choose, as I do with shoes, the right bag for the outfit.
I also need to find a way to store them, (and my shoes) in a suitably minimalist fashion.
I can't believe it's taken me so long to figure this out. I need to try it out for a while, of course. I have already tried having one of those handbag organisers. It may have been that it was a low quality one, but I really didn't like it. It didn't function as I'd imagined. It was so much hassle getting things in and out of it as well as getting it in and out of the bags.
It is more than likely that I'll hate the whole swapping exercise and go back to having everything in my big, black shopper, but it needs to be explored!
Needless to say, I would love to find that one of them turns out to be the all purpose, luxury companion I've dreamt of!
Here's an interesting article on the handbag habits of women in the UK.
How on earth does this work?! A purse that charges your phone!
The fact is, handbags are like shoes. It's necessary to have more than one pair of shoes. Necessary, I say!
Pretty |
The plan now is to have a system (something I lack in the shoe department). I will organise the contents of my handbag, have a box or a shelf where I'll store my purse, keys, glasses case, etc. Then, when I'm going somewhere, I will choose, as I do with shoes, the right bag for the outfit.
I also need to find a way to store them, (and my shoes) in a suitably minimalist fashion.
More like this... |
... less like this. |
I can't believe it's taken me so long to figure this out. I need to try it out for a while, of course. I have already tried having one of those handbag organisers. It may have been that it was a low quality one, but I really didn't like it. It didn't function as I'd imagined. It was so much hassle getting things in and out of it as well as getting it in and out of the bags.
Look at this - once this is in your bag, how do you get to the stuff in the outside pockets? |
It is more than likely that I'll hate the whole swapping exercise and go back to having everything in my big, black shopper, but it needs to be explored!
Needless to say, I would love to find that one of them turns out to be the all purpose, luxury companion I've dreamt of!
Here's an interesting article on the handbag habits of women in the UK.
How on earth does this work?! A purse that charges your phone!
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